Rabu, 15 Desember 2010


HI....temen2,,,ne saya ada tugas buat pidato singkat tentang "LOVE OF LIFE" yang mungkin bisa bantu kalian lo' ngalamin hal yg sama sperti saya,,,ok

Love is something that make a peacefull in our life, something will make you just like fly without wings in the sky. There are many kinds of love. Love for our god, love for our parents, love for our family, love for our friend and love for our couple. But here I want to explain about love for our couple and little for each other.
There are many things we can do with love whom we have in our heart, for example we can care to each other, we can make a child with love with our couple exacly after we had married, and we can change the world, we can heal the world.
Everyone in this world, everything in this world have good side and the bad side. So does love, it has good side and bad side.
The good side, love can bring peacefull in this life, because of love we can born in this world and because of love we can take care to each other.
But the bad side are love can make us jealous to each other because if someone we do love as the fact have the other girlfriend or boyfriend and because of love we can angry to the other because if someone we love do something wrong according to us. But we do it because we do love to him or her.
In this world I believe 100% there is the true love. The true love doesn’t look someone from their own physical condition. The true love need sacrifice, if you do love someone you will do “EVERYTHING” to her or him. The true love only has one couple for his or her life. If someday someone we love has gone, you only love her or him and don’t look for someone else. That is true love.
So don’t miss your day without love, because love is something special, something beautifull that will make your day will be the perfect day. So I hope in this room there is a true love, so I challenge Ricardo to come in the front of the class and say “I DO LOVE MARISA EKAWATI, AND WOULDN’T TO LEAVE HER FOREVER”.
So, with love we can heal the world, we can make this world be a peacefull world, a beautiful world and make a perfect world. Thanks for your good attention and for the love today, good afternoon.

o ya tmen2 lbih enk lagi lo' dijelasinnya dengan lagu tambahan ne lagu yang saya pake buat jelasin pidato ini
